Monday 10 September 2012


Setting Up A New Document

File > New Doc

Number of pages

Facing Pages - For brochures, books, magazines

Not Facing Pages - For one page or double sided, single sheet documents.

Page Size

Number of columns


More Options: Bleed. 5mm for most cases, but you should check with your printer.

Viewing (Specific) Pages

Control Alt 0 to centre spread in window

Control 0 to centre page

To view specific pages. Control J

Type in Page numbers.


In Pages Panel

Double Click on Spread Numbers

Double Click on Page

Power Zoom

Select Hand Tool

Click and Hold down until Red frame appears.

Drag to required area and release.


Turn on Rulers 

View > Show Rulers

Drag Guides from rulers

Shift Drag to line Guides up exactly with rulers

Create Coloured Page

Select Rectangle Frame Tool

Draw Frame Across Whole Page

Select Fill Colour from Swatches.

Go to Object > Lock.

Padlock Appears on Frame.

To unlock, click padlock.

Importing Copy

ID is good for setting copy.

You can do it in AI but ID is a vastly superior tool.

You can Copy and Paste copy.

The best way is to Place.

You can place a Doc or and RTF.

File > Place
Choose file.

In ID you get a little handle.

If you have columns:

Click at the top of column. Type will place.

To make type run across many columns:

Hold shift when clicking at top of first column.

Place type into multiple type frames which you have drawn with the type tool

Shift select the frames.
In the bottom right hand corner of each frame, hold your curser over the white box until the type flow-on symbol appears.
Click it. 
Repeat for each frame.

To select all type on a page:
Click 5 times on part of the copy.

Importing From Illustrator

You Copy and Paste or Place

If you Copy and Paste from AI the image is editable.

If you Place from AI the image is not editable.

You can draw a frame and Place a file in the frame, or just Place the file straight onto your ID doc.

Don’t edit AI images in ID, edit them in AI. It is obviously much better for doing that.

To move placed image around:
The circular handle and hand allow you to move the image but not the frame.
The arrow allows you to move image and frame.

Importing From Photoshop

Import images as PSD files

You can draw a frame and Place a file in the frame, or just Place the file straight onto your ID doc.

To move placed image around:

The circular handle and hand allow you to move the image but not the frame.
The arrow allows you to move image and frame.

CUTOUT images.
Create In PS
Save as PSD

Resizing Placed Objects

Select Object
Select Free Transform Tool from tool box.
Use handles to resize.

If Free Transform Tool is not selected and you try to resize a placed object, the object will resize, but the frame will stay the same size.
This may mean that the placed object is cropped.

Fitting Options

How to fit an image into a frame that you have drawn with Frame Tool.

Object > Fitting > Frame Fitting Options

Make sure Preview is ticked.

Click througt the options to see what they do.

Text Wrap

Select the image you wish to wrap around

Make sure text Wrap panel is open

(find it in Window or Dock)

Click on the third selection Wrap Around Object Shape

Contour Options : Detect Edges

Wrap Options : experiment, see what happens

Offset: 3mm

Linked Files

Open Links Panel in Dock

Linked Files are displayed

Either supply linked files to printer on disc
Smaller file size
Repeated files are only counted once


Embed files
Larger file size
Repeated files are counted every time and must be embedded every time they appear.

Create a Template

File > Save As

ID CS6 template

Great selection of free templates available at

Export for Printing

File > Export

PDF Print or Interactive.

Print, check with your printer for required Adobe PDF presets.

Check with printer which Printers marks are required Esp Bleed.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Make a Photo Look Like a Miniature Model.

Open a photo in PS.

Turn on Quick Mask Mode.

Select > Edit in Quick mask Mode.

Select the Gradient Tool.

Make sure Reflected Gradient is selected.

Double Click in the Edit Gradient box.

Make sure gradient is Black to White.

Create a Gradient Mask over the parts of the photo you wish to remain in focus.

Turn off Quick Mask Mode

Go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur

Adjust to suit the image.


Deselect Control (Command) D

Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue /Saturation

Bump up Saturation  30 - 40 %

Go To Image > Adjustments > Brightness Contrast

Increasing Contrast may improve effect.

Monday 3 September 2012

Cut Copy Paste Collage

Tracing Around Hair in Photoshop

Open the back ground photo in Photoshop

Place the foreground photo in a layer above it.

Use the Quick Selection Tool to select girl, her body, and her hair as best as you can.

Click on Refine Edge at top of screen.

Turn on Smart Radius Set to 5

Select Refine Radius tool

Paint on the areas which are grey to delete all grey

Click Decontaminate Colours

Adjust Amount  65%

Output to New Layer with layer Mask.

If required select the Burn Tool and darken up the hair strands.